Posts tagged Cooking
Swedish Cinnamon Buns - Recipe

I don’t know how many times in 2020 I made these cinnamon buns, but it is definitely one of the few things that I can now proudly add to my baking repertoire. Swedish cinnamon buns (they also have to include cardamom, an unusual ingredient for sweet things in this part of the world) are a traditional treat, usually consumed when having fika - a short break with a coffee and something sweet. Fika is an institution in Sweden and is a chance to catch up with colleagues, family or friends to share a hot drink and a sweet bun or cake, usually more than once a day. My mum even craves a pre-fika around 11 (I guess it’s her version of elevenses) before her proper fika in the afternoon. Anyway, these buns will make a perfect treat with a cup of tea or coffee, and making them is a labour of love so be prepared to devote a few hours in total to create these heavenly cinnamon swirls.

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The Small Things to Appreciate in Self Isolation

This is a glorious time of year; watching the trees unfurling their leaves and slowly turning green whilst flowers go from small buds to full blossom is a timeless joy for all. It is also a reminder that whatever is going on in the world we always have nature, and the seasons will change no matter what. That each state is temporary, nothing is permanent and that this too, shall pass.

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